Hawaii: Digital ID

With more processes becoming digital in today's age, the driver's license is not an exception. Here, the ID verification process is transformed into something more convenient, so as long as you have your phone, you'll always have a form of identification with you.

Spring 2022
Illustrator, After Effects, Figma


My project goal was to design a Digital ID for the state of Hawaii that simplifies the experience of ID verification while maintaining the tropical look and feel of the Hawaiian landscape (bold, vivid colors).

Pictured below (left), is the current Hawaii driver's license. The top problems that I identified were: 
- This ID does not look real because of the background image and colors. Try going with different colors.
- The distribution of information seems very uneven, it needs to be balanced.
- In terms of a digital ID, allow the option to cover and uncover certain bits of information.

Visual Direction

Mood Board v1
For my first idea, I wanted to try going with a bold and tropical theme - including lots of bright greens and blues to represent the landscape of Hawaii.

Mood Board v2
For this version, I wanted to try something more toned down, consisting of earthy tones, with a warmer color palette.


Final Design

For this version, I wanted to try something more toned down, consisting of earthy tones, with a warmer color palette.When I started this project, I didn't expect that my main struggle would be branding. I spent a lot of time trying to find a suitable color palette that wasn't too bold or too dull, and would still remind the user of Hawaii.